Sunday, January 2, 2011

HaPpY NeW yEaR - 2011 here we are

Happy New Year everyone. 

Well 2010 was a bit of a whirl wind of a year for me.  It was hard to keep up at times.  But after having had a lovely restful week of swimming, sleeping in, gardening and reading.  Im now ready for the new year and to hit the ground running.  I have my list of goals cooking away (I kept them to a page :)  ), so watch this space..... 

I have been busting to do some fabric and dollie dyeing after visiting with my Sister and her partner up in gorgeous Bellingen (Northern NSW).  So where does a girl get dollies?  Raid Mum's linen cupboard (thanks MUM) with all of her starched out doilies.  The starch still isn't out of them.    
Not to worry the colour took anyway.

 Pink - ooh nice. 
 I think this one is my favorite.  This one is for my bedroom.  Purple, mmmm lovely purple....
This set is lovely too.  The colour just makes them pop.

What to do with old 100% white cotton sheets????  Dye them of course. 
Stage one.  Tick, dyed.  There is a slight difference, not that you can notice in the pic.  I was trying for one dark and one light.  Lesson learnt.  Leave the first one in longer with less water.

Stage two.  Silk screen them.

Put this book to use.  Thanks Cath and Kirsten for the inspiration

Best I get cracking.  I'm looking forward to seeing the end results.

Enjoy the holiday period.
Kath x

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