Goodness me, well I wonder where the past 10 years have flown off too.
One minute, turning 30 and being a 30 something year old.
Well now the the 40 is seriously looming..... on the horizon. Oops it's hear already.
I'm my thirties, I managed to do heaps of travelling, amazing jobs, wonderful friends and family.
I wonder where the next 10 will take me! Different goals and aspirations that will pop up along the way. Education, Long service leave soon, I'm off to renew my passport this week... The world is open and i intend on finding some new destinations..
Woo hoo....... Bring it on..
I'M GOING TO BE A NAUGHTY 40 YEAR OLD. ..... . . . . . . .
K x
thats why they call them the naughty fourties Kath!