Once upon a time there were 3 friends who used to hangout together sharing dinner and drinks. Dancing around singing along to Elvis songs laughing and joking, enjoying one another's company. Did I mention drinking wine and champagne?
Kindred souls who gather together for fun and frivolity.
I love this picture. It is of 2 of my dearest friends & myself. It must be close on 10 years ago now and that was the night this picture was taken did I mention Elvis singing LOUDLY?
Well I headed down to Victoria on the weekend for a wedding cause this one decided to get married. I don't go to many weddings. But I didn't want to miss this one.
It was such a pleasure to be at her wedding.
Arriving a day early, we had time to catch up and do some girlie stuff together, nails, champagne and chitter chatter of course on our lives and the happenings......
I even managed to get an updated photo of us again.
The wedding was stress free and love abound for the happy couple. The bride was beautiful and the happy couple had all of their friends and family there to celebrate with them..
It was wonderful to catch up with some family friends that has been a long time between visits.
oh & you so know I was the crier in the back row. What can I say I was emotional watching my georgous girlfriend walking into the chapel with her ever so proud Dad by her side to walk her down the aisle to marry her man.
Such a special moment.
Oh and I'm happy to say, no PINK taffeta in sight.
Thank heavens for some small mercies.

Breakfast in the Dandenongs.
It never ceases to amaze me. One minute clear as a bell the next totally fogged in. This was in a 5 minute space.

Street art near Olinda shops.

On the Sunday I managed to zip off and spend a couple of days with some more life long friends. What can I say. Time just does not alter these friends. Our lives seem to go in different directions but the ties that bind are strong.

You never know what you will find in R's garden. The latest sculptures from past and present exhibitions and plants that pop up on paths. There is so many inspirational points of view throughout the house and garden.
Taking the time to go for a wander through and letting it all sink in. From the collection of canvases on the walls to the ever so red lounge room with the sculptured bird, and collections of bits from all over the world.
The South American oozes inspiration at every turn .....
I feel blessed to have these kindred souls in my life. I hope you all have these special people in your lives as I do. They brighten my soul and wrap me in their lives and love.
Until next we meet.
Fingers crossed for some sewing soon... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Kath x